When thou sittest to eat with a ruler, consider diligently what is before you: and put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite: be not desirous of his dainties: for they are deceitful meat.
I am probably one of the many numbers in the statistic of how children rebel against their upbringing once they are out on their own and making their own decisions. While growing up we had to maintain the diabetic diet because it was discovered that my brother was diabetic. We were often times denied numerous delectable dainties, chocolates, and other delightful looking and smelling sweets. Anything with high sugar consumption was usually bought with my own money, which was rare back then, and eaten before I ever walked in the door.
Many years later, and less physical activity, have led to an increase in weight, something that I am not proud of. About ten years ago I researched the various fad diets that were being released and actually found and tried one that met my picky appetite. I successfully followed this diet for over a year and was proud of the results. But I cannot bring myself to again follow the recommendations in this book. Until now!
On first pass of Proverbs 23:1-3, the words that quickly grabbed my attention were, “put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite.” That sounded like me. I looked around for my mental knife. I was, and I am, ready to be done with this wayward, demanding, and selfish appetite. I also immediately gravitated to the words, “be not desirous of dainties; for they are deceitful meat.” Wouldn’t I give for a delicious cake donut with chocolate frosting on top? Pastries, chocolate, and Coca Colas are my weakness. Just eat any of these “dainties” and watch the sweet tooth run wild. But I noticed that after all the sugar has worn off that my stomach is hungry and that sweet tooth is making noise again. The sweets deceived my stomach into thinking it was eating something of substance, just like the verse said it is “deceitful meat.” It looked good but provided no value to the health and sustenance of my body. I could not live on pastries, chocolate, and Coca Cola. My body would die of sugar overload.
So after reading this verse and being “poked by my conscience” once again, what is a person to do? In the first part of verse one it says, “Consider diligently what is before you.” Changing your eating habits, battling against the lusts and desires of the flesh are difficult tasks, and sometimes very challenging. It sure is easier to get a quick hamburger and eat it while driving than to order a salad. I haven’t tried eating a salad and driving, but I am sure it is quite interesting to say the least. Changing, overcoming, and battling these poor habits is not easy. It will take a concentrated effort and planning on my part. I will need to draw on past experience and learned lessons from the first successful eating habit change I made years before. I know what I should be eating, how much, and how often. I need to “diligently consider” what is before me, what I am getting ready to eat. I need to plan my lunches, plan my breakfast, dinner, and appropriate snacks in between.
But I have seen this battle before and I have failed. The lusts, desires, cravings, and grumpy sweet tooth have won before. Yet, I know that this is something that God would have me to do. I know that I am the temple of the Holy Spirit and that I should be a sweet smelling aroma to my Heavenly Father – no pun intended. Several verses come to mind that have been useful in other areas of my life and I believe they will be useful now as well. Let me share a few.
2 Corinthians 12:9 – “For my grace is sufficient. For my power is made perfect in weakness.” (Not my power, but God’s power within me is proved and perfected in me.)
1 Corinthians 9:27 – I beat my body and make it my slave…
Romans 8:5 – Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. (This is a daily struggle and requires constant communion with the Holy Spirit.)
Ephesians 6:10 – Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might.
The correction, instruction, and encouragement are all right here. It now is up to me to put into practice the things I have learned. Diligent, determined, and disciplined effort will support God’s work in me. Pray that I remain strong in His presence and power, overcoming my deceitful desire, and retrain my body to enjoy the things that satisfy and that are the “true meat” my body desires.
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