Vine of Love – pure and true
I long to rest in strength from you.
The night is cold and full of fright
I cling to you til morning light.
The morning dawns and shines above.
It fills this branch with warmth and love.
Each ray is filled with warmth so sweet
It seems so easy to rest at Your feet.
Cling to me so I can see
The love you have that sets me free.
Free to sway in the wind
I twist and turn and sometimes bend.
The wind so breezy and so light
It never stirs a sense of fright.
A strange, yet, natural movement it seems
But one that God has gifted me.
A storm has come, its over-head.
The thing I feared and often dread.
Draw me close, that I might see
What you have in store for me.
My eyes are blinded. I cannot see.
I fear my branch might soon break free.
If only I can hold on fast
To the Vine that held me last.
Bring me close. Please hold me tight.
I pray the storm is just one night.
The rain has gone, the wind has come
I hunker down for another one.
The lightening flashes across the sky
It makes me tremble, I start to cry.
The thunder crashes from up above
It covers the whisper of God’s love.
The tears they sting and cause me pain.
I alone have nothing to gain.
In your strength and love I'm secure.
You are close and love me dear.
Vine of Love - I call to you.
Vine of Love - I cling to you.
Vine of Love - Draw me near.
Whisper again so I might hear.
Vine of Love – It’s you I hear.
Vine of Love – I feel you near.
Vine of Love – Help me see
That what’s been done was good for me.
John 15:5
Better Chaplain Series - Bloom Where You're Planted
16 hours ago
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