John 6:35, 58
Jesus declared, I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your forefathers ate manna and died, but he who feeds on this bread will live forever.
When my son was a newborn baby I spent many hours awake in the middle of the night caring for him. I knew he was a gift from God, because of the difficulty I had in becoming pregnant. The circumstances surrounding my pregnancy evidenced God’s hand in the event. As if I needed more confirmation, after becoming pregnant God spoke to my daughter, who was five at the time, before our first sonogram and told her she was going to have a baby brother.
After he was born and brought home, I recall many long nights and days of sheer exhaustion. Of holding this tiny crying bundle for hours into the night, rocking him, and singing softly to him. I recall when his cries would subside that my own were now echoing in the night. “O Father, I have had enough. I can’t do this anymore. O Father, please help me. You gave this child to me. You know that I am exhausted and I need some sleep before work. Please Lord, Please. Comfort this little gift and allow me to rest.” The nights that I cried out to God, He answered. He gave “rest to the weary and strength for the new day.”
Six years later I took my first overseas mission trip. The days and nights were long. The work was exhausting, but rewarding. Having had this past experience of physical exhaustion with my son, I called again on God the Father to provide “rest for the weary and strength for the new day.” As faithful as ever, He provided.
Three months later I struggle with staying up past the chores and doing my Bible study, or getting up early and having my quiet time with God. I know that I need this time with Him. Jesus said, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry.” My soul is hungry and thirsty for you O God. Come and feed this hungry soul. Come and feed this weary body. Come. Feed me once again, for I need You.
O taste and see that the Lord is good. Give Him the opportunity to prove He will provide. He does give good gifts. He knows our needs. He will fulfill His promise. He will complete His plan and purpose for your life. O taste Him. He is the bread of life. Taste Him. Let Him satisfy your hunger. Taste Him, He is good. He will strengthen your faith. He will love you. He will be Your shelter, your place of rest. He is faithful and true. He is the bread of life. Feed on Him and be filled. Feed on Him and be satisfied. Feed on Him and live a life separate and set apart from the world. Feed on Him and discover He is real. O taste and see the Lord is good. He is the bread of life…forever.
Better Chaplain Series - Do Good to Everyone
5 hours ago
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