While driving home tonight I was blessed with one on one time with my ten year old daughter. She talked about her school day, her friends, her likes and dislikes, and other girlie things. She talked about growing up and wanting a horse. She talked about singing and a singing competition and who she would like to sing with this year. Then the conversation lead to difficult people and how others can “stand being around them.” Not to be confused with “cannot” stand being around them.
My reply started with the verse in Romans 5:4-5, “…suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.” God will plant a seed of love in your heart and He will grow it to the point where you can love others. You can love the unlovely, the friendless, the mean, the selfish, the hurting, and those that are difficult to be around. Yet you will still have enough love left over for those you truly love. God’s love is everlasting, it is faithful, it is true, and it is pure.
She said, “Yeah I think that God has given me a love for horses.”
I told her that is where this “seed of love” begins. God gives you a small seed of love. He waters it, cultivates it, and begins to create in you a love that is more than it once was. Through the caring, nurturing, and giving of that love God will branch it out to others. Pretty soon, you will have a love so deep, so wide, so high, and so long, you will not be able to contain all the love that “God has poured into your heart.” It will grow to a size you never imagined and it will accomplish things never thought of. You will discover a love and a passion for things once feared or forgotten. You will discover a love that will stand firm in the face of persecution; that will bring boldness to your determination of faith; it will cause you to forget the things of the past and press on towards the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus. You will accomplish simple tasks with joy, you will accomplish difficult tasks with determination, you will accomplish God’s purpose for your life, because His sacrificial, undeserving love has been poured into your heart and it compels every action, every breath, and every step you take.
Matthew 13:32 says, “It is the smallest of all your seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and perch in its branches.” Are you allowing God to water the “seed of love” in your heart so that He can use you for His utmost glory?
Heavenly Father, may we fall on our faces before Your endless love. Cause us to look deep into our heart at the “seed of love” You have placed in us. Lord, open our hearts to your nurture, care, and love so that You may grow in us a “mustard seed” of love for others to perch on. May this “seed of love” persevere through the heartaches and difficulties of life. May it deepen its roots and take hold of the everlasting living water that sustains us in the storms and deserts of life. May every stretch of our branches remind us that it is You growing inside of us and You who loves others through us with such compassionate determination and faith. To God be the glory for great things He has done.
Better Chaplain Series - Do Good to Everyone
5 hours ago
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