Thursday, October 30, 2008

Vine of Love

Vine of Love – pure and true
I long to rest in strength from you.
The night is cold and full of fright
I cling to you til morning light.

The morning dawns and shines above.
It fills this branch with warmth and love.
Each ray is filled with warmth so sweet
It seems so easy to rest at Your feet.

Cling to me so I can see
The love you have that sets me free.
Free to sway in the wind
I twist and turn and sometimes bend.

The wind so breezy and so light
It never stirs a sense of fright.
A strange, yet, natural movement it seems
But one that God has gifted me.

A storm has come, its over-head.
The thing I feared and often dread.
Draw me close, that I might see
What you have in store for me.

My eyes are blinded. I cannot see.
I fear my branch might soon break free.
If only I can hold on fast
To the Vine that held me last.

Bring me close. Please hold me tight.
I pray the storm is just one night.
The rain has gone, the wind has come
I hunker down for another one.

The lightening flashes across the sky
It makes me tremble, I start to cry.
The thunder crashes from up above
It covers the whisper of God’s love.

The tears they sting and cause me pain.
I alone have nothing to gain.
In your strength and love I'm secure.
You are close and love me dear.

Vine of Love - I call to you.
Vine of Love - I cling to you.
Vine of Love - Draw me near.
Whisper again so I might hear.

Vine of Love – It’s you I hear.
Vine of Love – I feel you near.
Vine of Love – Help me see
That what’s been done was good for me.

John 15:5

Thursday, October 23, 2008


The temperature has dropped, the wind has picked up, and the dark morning clouds have rolled in. Fall is here. Fall always seems to bring in new sunrises. Bright pink, soft red, vibrant orange and soft yellow, all hidden behind varying shapes and shades of dark foreboding clouds that seem to hover on the horizon in an attempt to hold back the new day. Yet never daunted by the clouds, the sun rises. It marches forward, pressing against the clouds. Bright pinks begin to line the outer lining of the dark clouds, as if caressing and teasing the clouds; encouraging them to roll on by so that the full radiance of the sun may be seen and felt against the cold damp morning. The dominating orange and soft yellow begin to press forward, marching onward, undaunted by the looming clouds and bursting forth as one of royalty. It reaches past the clouds, gracefully gliding to the highest point above, and dancing between the wisps of the small thin white clouds. Yet, it never rests. It will continue its march of royalty as it continues onward until it reaches the next horizon where it will seem to rest once more. While out of sight, it never sleeps or slumbers. While out of sight, it never fails or falters. While out of sight, its beauty and radiance never fades. While out of sight, it continues the never ending journey.

Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned; (Rom 5:12) For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body. (Rom 8:18-19,21-23)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Cries In The Night

John 6:35, 58
Jesus declared, I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your forefathers ate manna and died, but he who feeds on this bread will live forever.

When my son was a newborn baby I spent many hours awake in the middle of the night caring for him. I knew he was a gift from God, because of the difficulty I had in becoming pregnant. The circumstances surrounding my pregnancy evidenced God’s hand in the event. As if I needed more confirmation, after becoming pregnant God spoke to my daughter, who was five at the time, before our first sonogram and told her she was going to have a baby brother.

After he was born and brought home, I recall many long nights and days of sheer exhaustion. Of holding this tiny crying bundle for hours into the night, rocking him, and singing softly to him. I recall when his cries would subside that my own were now echoing in the night. “O Father, I have had enough. I can’t do this anymore. O Father, please help me. You gave this child to me. You know that I am exhausted and I need some sleep before work. Please Lord, Please. Comfort this little gift and allow me to rest.” The nights that I cried out to God, He answered. He gave “rest to the weary and strength for the new day.”

Six years later I took my first overseas mission trip. The days and nights were long. The work was exhausting, but rewarding. Having had this past experience of physical exhaustion with my son, I called again on God the Father to provide “rest for the weary and strength for the new day.” As faithful as ever, He provided.

Three months later I struggle with staying up past the chores and doing my Bible study, or getting up early and having my quiet time with God. I know that I need this time with Him. Jesus said, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry.” My soul is hungry and thirsty for you O God. Come and feed this hungry soul. Come and feed this weary body. Come. Feed me once again, for I need You.

O taste and see that the Lord is good. Give Him the opportunity to prove He will provide. He does give good gifts. He knows our needs. He will fulfill His promise. He will complete His plan and purpose for your life. O taste Him. He is the bread of life. Taste Him. Let Him satisfy your hunger. Taste Him, He is good. He will strengthen your faith. He will love you. He will be Your shelter, your place of rest. He is faithful and true. He is the bread of life. Feed on Him and be filled. Feed on Him and be satisfied. Feed on Him and live a life separate and set apart from the world. Feed on Him and discover He is real. O taste and see the Lord is good. He is the bread of life…forever.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Seed of Love

While driving home tonight I was blessed with one on one time with my ten year old daughter. She talked about her school day, her friends, her likes and dislikes, and other girlie things. She talked about growing up and wanting a horse. She talked about singing and a singing competition and who she would like to sing with this year. Then the conversation lead to difficult people and how others can “stand being around them.” Not to be confused with “cannot” stand being around them.

My reply started with the verse in Romans 5:4-5, “…suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.” God will plant a seed of love in your heart and He will grow it to the point where you can love others. You can love the unlovely, the friendless, the mean, the selfish, the hurting, and those that are difficult to be around. Yet you will still have enough love left over for those you truly love. God’s love is everlasting, it is faithful, it is true, and it is pure.

She said, “Yeah I think that God has given me a love for horses.”

I told her that is where this “seed of love” begins. God gives you a small seed of love. He waters it, cultivates it, and begins to create in you a love that is more than it once was. Through the caring, nurturing, and giving of that love God will branch it out to others. Pretty soon, you will have a love so deep, so wide, so high, and so long, you will not be able to contain all the love that “God has poured into your heart.” It will grow to a size you never imagined and it will accomplish things never thought of. You will discover a love and a passion for things once feared or forgotten. You will discover a love that will stand firm in the face of persecution; that will bring boldness to your determination of faith; it will cause you to forget the things of the past and press on towards the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus. You will accomplish simple tasks with joy, you will accomplish difficult tasks with determination, you will accomplish God’s purpose for your life, because His sacrificial, undeserving love has been poured into your heart and it compels every action, every breath, and every step you take.

Matthew 13:32 says, “It is the smallest of all your seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and perch in its branches.” Are you allowing God to water the “seed of love” in your heart so that He can use you for His utmost glory?

Heavenly Father, may we fall on our faces before Your endless love. Cause us to look deep into our heart at the “seed of love” You have placed in us. Lord, open our hearts to your nurture, care, and love so that You may grow in us a “mustard seed” of love for others to perch on. May this “seed of love” persevere through the heartaches and difficulties of life. May it deepen its roots and take hold of the everlasting living water that sustains us in the storms and deserts of life. May every stretch of our branches remind us that it is You growing inside of us and You who loves others through us with such compassionate determination and faith. To God be the glory for great things He has done.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


2 Corinthians 3:16 -18
But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

While working in the baby nursery I watched as another worker played peek-a-boo with a small baby. Using a light weight baby blanket, she would gently cover the face of the child, slowly draw the blanket down his face, then smile real big and say, “peek-a-boo.” The baby would wiggle and smile and the worker would do it again. Yet, play this game with an older child, or a toddler and they can pull the blanket off themselves. The older child will continue placing the blanket over their face, because this is a familiar game; one that brings such sweet rewards of a smile, a laugh, a giggle, a hug, or a word of affirmation. O the joys of childhood.

We live in a world that continually teases us. Like the blanket placed over our face in a game of peek-a-boo, the world entices us with God’s beauty and creation of man. It lures us into a love relationship outside of marriage. It teases us with the profits that only money can buy; a bigger home, a boat, a trailer, a fancy car, or whatever appeals to our eyes or inward passion. It plays with our pride as we look in the mirror, or get a big promotion, or score a winning field goal or touchdown. It enjoys playing with our emotions - be happy with money, with alcohol, with television, with ungodly music, with drugs, with people, or with whatever hobby that brings us joy. These things are dangled in our face everyday, as if to say, “Come. Play with me. I am better than church. I am better than that dusty old Bible over there. I am better than those old fashioned hymns. I don’t hurt your knees or waste your time like praying does. I can offer you pleasure – now, in this moment. Come. Play with me. Peek-a-boo, here I am.”

Like the nursery worker who pulls the blanket off, God has given His Holy Spirit to those who have turned to Him, confessed that Jesus is Lord and that God raised Jesus from the dead. We are given the Holy Spirit. We are offered this freedom from the “blankets” of this world. We are given a Spirit of freedom that brings joy, peace, and hope. The “blankets” of this world are removed once Jesus Christ is revealed to us. We are given the opportunity to turn to Him, smile, and say, “Yes Lord, I believe. Yes Lord, you are the one for me. Yes Lord, take me, I am Yours.”

Will the blankets ever return? I say they will. They will come back in abundance. They will tease and taunt you your entire life. But the Holy Spirit, this freedom, if allowed, will remove these blankets, these distractions, and cause you to reflect the Lord’s glory. This Spirit of freedom will transform your thoughts, your words, your heart, your eyes, and your hunger for the things of this world. He will please you with the things of Heaven, the things that delight God Himself, and the things that will last through all eternity. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. Come. Play peek-a-boo with the heavenly hosts. Allow God to transform your life and restore in you a childlike pleasure of pleasing your Heavenly Father.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Anniversary of Love

Song of Solomon 8:6
"Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal over your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like a blazing fire, like a mighty flame."

There is a great void in the heart of one who has lost a loved one. “Many waters cannot quench love, rivers cannot wash it away” (Song 8:7), but it would seem as though the tears that are shed could fill many waters and rivers by themselves.

The expanse of this void is great. It would seem that at every turn the empty darkness is there; through memories, through certain smells, through familiar activities. It is there through family members, through friends, and co-workers.

The pain that is felt is deep. It is felt to the very core of your being. At times it would seem that your grief could cover you in a dark abyss with no hope of getting out.

Beloved child of God, there is hope. For, “Everything written in the past was written to teach us, so that we might have hope through endurance and encouragement of the scriptures.” (Rom 15:4) What a wonderful Heavenly Father we have. He wrote to us before this moment in our life. He tucked the notes away and placed them where we would find them; notes of love, hope, and strength.

In the darkened sorrow of our grief God’s love is ever present. As we blink through our tears, God’s love is seen in the distance. God’s love burns for His creation that is tormented in the pain of despair and loneliness. God’s love burns bright for His child through the outpouring expressions of others.

God’s flame of love grows bright; it becomes a mighty flame of warmth and love as the Heavenly Father kneels down and wraps His arms around His grieving child and whispers, “Hush child. Rest my child, be still, and let me hold you in the stillness of this moment. You are precious in my sight. You are my pride and joy. Rest my love. For there is no greater love than My love. Rest my child, I know your pain. The love you have known is great, but My love for you is greater, it is an everlasting love and I will never leave you. (Jer 31:3) It is in these moments that I would have you know the depth and breadth, and height and width of My love.”

“For My love burns bright, it is a mighty flame. No matter how dark and deep your pain, My love will shine through the darkness. It will erase all the shadows of grief; it will remove the storm clouds of fear. Its warmth penetrates the very core of your being and into the sunken heart of despair. My love is greater than death itself, for no grave can hold back the love that I have for you.”

“Grieve no more my child, for I am here. I will never leave you nor forsake you. Though My thoughts are not your thoughts, I have a plan and a purpose for your life and a reason for your grief. (Isa 55:9-10) Rest my child, for in the morning your strength will be renewed. Rest, I am here."

Father in heaven, help me to see the light of your love in this darkness of pain. Grant me the willingness to remain out of this despair and rest in You, for you are my strength. Awaken me each day with the whispers of your love and the warmth of resting in You. You are my hope, my joy, and my peace. Rain down the radiance of your love and fill me inside and out with Your presence. Carry me Lord, for the load of this pain is too heavy for me to bear. Carry me, for I cannot see through my rivers of tears. You, Lord, are my Rock and my Redeemer, my God in whom I trust.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Perfect Gift

James 1:17
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights; with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

I recall one of many visits to my grandmother-in-laws southern home; sitting on the rocking chair front porch with my in-laws after a family meal. The conversations would sometimes last for hours. They would begin while there was still some daylight, but would end near dark.

This verse causes me to reflect on those shadows that form as the sun fades and how they continually move until they disappear all together. They are never still. Think about it a moment.

This verse says, “the Father of lights; with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” God does not change. He is faithful. He is consistent. He is dependable. He is reliable. He is Holy. He is the same as He was yesterday. He is the same today and will be the same tomorrow. His words written two thousand years ago are just as reliable, dependable, and valid today as they were back then. What He promised is still true today. “For everything that was written in the past, was written to teach us, so that through the endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures, you might have hope.” (Romans 15:4)

Unlike the shifting and continually changing of the shadows, God’s promises are promises you can depend on. The prophecies written and unfulfilled you can trust they will be fulfilled. His words of love, encouragement, strength, patience, gentleness, and kindness are available today and tomorrow and forever; “with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” He will not change.

It is His desire; He longs to give you, every good and every perfect gift. He desires to show you that He is real. He longs to express His love for His creation; “for we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works (Eph 3:20).” He wants you to know Him. He longs to reveal Himself to you.

Do you know him? Do you desire to know this God who “gives every good and every perfect gift?” Romans 10:9-10 says, “That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord;’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.” Simply pray this scripture to God and confess Jesus as Lord of your life. Discover God – with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. Discover His strength. Discover His love. Discover His passion for His creation – you and me. Discover a purpose for life. Allow God to infiltrate your heart and show you that He will never leave you nor forsake you. He will be with you always, even to the ends of the earth. His love is deep. His love is wide. He longs for you and He loves you.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Awake in me…

Song of Solomon 5:2
I slept but my heart was awake.

No more needs to be said to the sleepy heart. Wake up! Wake up and hear the voice of the Savior. Wake up, and come into His presence. Wake up, and see it is He that brings what you need. Wake up! Call to Him in the dark, in your moments of despair and loneliness. Wake up! Tell the world of His saving grace. O sleepy heart and lazy body, wake up!! Spend those precious moments with the King. Wake up, and be refreshed in the morning. Wake up!

Heavenly Father, though my heart is awake and listening to you, my sleepy body longs to be in your intimate presence. Precious Father, cleanse me of the dirt and mud that clings to me and weighs me down. Remove the clods of pride, gluttony, selfishness, and laziness that have found a finger hold on me. Open the water falls of heaven and bathe me in your refreshing rain of forgiveness. Wash me clean and fill me with your bread of life. Quench my thirsty soul with your living water. Fill my dark heart with your love so bright; a flame so warm that all the world may know You. Fill me to overflowing so that I may carry Your love, Your light, wherever I go.