Labor not to be rich: cease from thine own wisdom.
Strive not for riches, but for life. Work towards providing for your basic needs and not towards the gain of wealth and riches themselves. In Matthew 7:11 Jesus said, “If you being evil know how to give good gifts, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask?” Am I working a job for my own pursuit of money, fancy house, the elitist of cars, or my expensive hobby? Why am I working? For me, it is for the basic needs of life; food, clothing, transportation, and family. I have learned to be content in all situations. Right now we were told there would be no pay raises. My retirement fund has lost over fifty percent of the assets it once had. But I labor not for these riches. I labor for the love that is within me. My job is my mission field. A place where God shines His light in my life everyday and continually grows ministry skills. That is not to say that I am perfect in this endeavor, besides I am an emotional female. I have my good days and bad days. But I strive not to please my pocket book. I strive and labor to please my Heavenly Father.
But the part of the verse that pokes at me is the second half, which says, “Cease from thine own wisdom.” Am I chasing after foolishness? Am I listening to the whisper of the world when it says, “Its okay, everybody does it?” Some sound words of wisdom I have found are; Psalms 119:34, “Give me understanding, and I shall keep thy law, yea I shall observe it with my whole heart.: Psalm 119:60, “I made haste and delayed not to keep thy commandments.” Psalm 119:66, “Teach me good judgment and knowledge for I have believed thy commandments.” Proverbs 3:7, “Be not wise in thine own eyes, fear the Lord and depart from evil.”
What wisdom are you clinging to and following? Are you listening and following the wisdom of this world that says, “Go ahead. There is nothing wrong with a little lie. No one believes you are wrong in just looking at a pretty woman/man. Take the money. You deserve it. Not being truthful on your taxes is okay, besides it's your money.” Justifying your bad behavior, ugly talk, gossiping, or just being rude is the “pursuit of your own wisdom; being wise in thine own eyes.” Cease! Cease from your own wisdom and folly. Follow the commands, laws, promises, and precepts written within the Holy Bible. “Love one another. Treat others as you would yourself. Honesty is the best policy. Be a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing unto God.” Live in reverent and Holy fear of God, His majestic presence, His everlasting power, and His great wisdom and knowldge!
Seek the wisdom, knowledge, and sound judgment that He has to offer. His home is opened to you, more that that He offers to bring His home, His kingdom, presence, and majesty to you! He longs to fill your cup, your plate, your life with all His wisdom and knowledge, mercy and truth. Cease striving after the things the world offers. There is no lasting value in it. It is a "chasing after the wind."
O cry out to God, “Teach me! Teach me for I long for your everlasting peace. Teach me, for my heart is weary of the foolishness of this world. Teach me, for I desire Your goodness, Your wisdom, Your knowledge, Your strength, and Your eternal love.” Make haste! Delay not! Welcome the Master and Teacher into your home. Open the Bible and discover the jewels of peace and love; the gems of love and selflessness; the light that draws you from the shadows and sorrows of life; the living water that restores your soul when you are tired of living the life this world offers; and the bread of life which never decays with age, but grows ever sweeter day by day as you dwell in the secret place of the Most High God and feast upon His lasting promises!
Cease! Cease from thine own wisdom. Open the Book of Life. Discover the world God longs to give you!
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