Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies. Patiently you watch and wait my arrival. Knowing that what You have prepared is meat for my soul, and rest and refreshment for my body. Once inside You gently lift the burdens of the day off my shoulders, placing them at your feet and away from my prying eyes and fiddling hands. Allowing opportunity for me to explain the unnecessary burdens and behaviors I bore throughout the day and humbly submit to the washing of my hands and feet.
Cleanse me O God for I am a wretched man, traveling through a dangerous land with valleys of fear, rivers of tears and anguish, thorns of selfishness, fires of envy, and rocks of lies that are tossed in foolishness and anger. But, You - are my firm foundation. You - are my stronghold. You - are my fortress and strong tower. In You alone I place my trust and rest in the shadow of Your mighty wing.
But You have placed a table and meal in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. You have prepared my table in the courtyards, in the valleys, on the hilltops, and in the darkest of caves – in the presence of mine enemies. The enemy who seeks to destroy and cast me aside. Yet you bid them come. Come and see the nourishment You give. Come and see the food You have prepared. Taste and see that the Lord is good. Sit and feast upon the riches of God’s glory. Come all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Come for I long to share my Father’s house with you.
Come. Receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Come to the banqueting table and worship the God who saves. Come and taste the living water. Come and know there is none like Him. Come and let me share what He has prepared for you and me.
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