Tuesday, August 11, 2009


In search of the majestic throne of the Creator and living God, I wandered into the book of wonders, Revelation. As I read of all the glorious and strange creators I was amazed at the beauty the earth has been blessed and blanketed with, and I must admit, confused at all the hybrid looking creatures described within this book. Yet as I searched for the words that describe God and His kingdom glory, my eyes walked the path of man’s torment here on earth: a path of seeing wonders of wonders; a path of living in shear terror; a path of knowing not from whence mine help cometh.

Here at my computer, my heart broke; opened and spilled out at all that belongs to God that will be destroyed. As if I were the mother who birthed this creation and was now required to watch my children being trampled and destroyed; watching as they live in agony and terror at the destruction of their home and physical body. The sorrow came from a place within that has never been opened this wide before. My heart broke at those “that knew God, but neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.” (Rom 1:21)

How can I share in the glory of God’s kingdom while others are trampled and destroyed below? How can I walk past my co-worker knowing that they maybe one blinded by the world’s deceits, lost in the pleasure of selfishness, lost in the temporary joy of man’s created pills and drugs of happiness and bliss. How can I look and not mention Your glory to another? How can I lay my head on my pillow at night, knowing that another opportunity to share the “good news of the gospel of peace” was lost?

The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness.” (Rom 1:18) O believer, wake up! We are just as undeserving of God’s glorious treasure as those blinded by the world’s advertised pleasure. It is only by God’s endless loving kindness that we know of God’s eternal joy and salvation. And that someone cared enough to share the wisdom and knowledge of God with us. Beloved, as heir to the throne, God’s adopted children, hesitate not to walk amongst the poor, the sick, the drug addict, the abandoned, the confused, the angry, and the lost. Hesitate not to open your lips and sing praises to the King. Hesitate not to give a reason for the hope that is in you. Hesitate not, and say, “I will go where You will send me.”

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