“As I live” declares the Lord God, “I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live.”
I watched the History Channel last week while I was home sick. It had a documentary called Stalking Jihad. It told the tale of two American missionaries to the Philippine Island, Martin and Gracie Burnham, who were taken hostage by al Qaeda terrorist Abu Sayyaf on May 21, 2001, and the American government’s effort to locate and free them. The kidnapping took place months before the events of September 11, 2001. Once these events occurred, the pursuit of the terrorist holding the American hostages took a more fervent role.
The documentary focused on the efforts of the American government, but continued to relay the human struggle of captivity. Of all the captives taken that fateful night, only the missionaries remained unharmed. The other captives were raped, killed, or eventually released for ransom. The documentary showed the Burnham’s struggle for survival. I was awed by their faith, by the respect they had for the terrorist, by their willingness to share their food or care packages that found their way to their remote locations, by their continued prayers at night, and their continued trust in the Lord. My only thoughts were, could I be as faithful if I were placed in a similar situation?
Having read this passage in Ezekiel I now see a different side to this story of captivity. For over a year, God gave the terrorist, the wicked, a chance to “turn from his way and live.” The Burnham’s submission to captivity, their love in sharing, and their prayers in captivity, all were opportunities for the terrorist to turn from their wicked ways; to see the everlasting Light and Truth; and to know a loving God who cares for all of His creation.
It is easy to pray for someone who appears to be God fearing. But it goes against reason to pray for the wicked; to pray for anything but his demise. It goes against reason to pray for the bully, the child abuser, the murderer, or the person dabbling in witchcraft. Why waste “the fervent prayer of a righteous man” on such as these? They have chosen their path of life. They have seen the evidence of God in all creation and in their surroundings.
But according to God’s very own words, He takes “no pleasure in their death.” He is the Creator of all creation; heaven and earth; man and woman; birds of the air and beasts of the field. It all is His creation – the work of His very own hands. He loves it all!
Even a human artist loves his creation, his artwork, his music, or his poetry. As imperfect as the human artist is - he still loves and admires his creation. Nothing is more pleasing then to see others admire his handiwork, or see the joy on their face as they understand the depth of love that went into each creation.
Yet God’s love is perfect. God’s creation is perfect. God’s pleasure is perfect. God’s sorrow is perfect. God “takes no pleasure, no delight, in the death of the wicked.” He desires that none should perish, no not one.
We believers, saved by this same God, need to truly understand God’s heart here. He loves the wicked as much as the righteous. He loves the murderer as much as the redeemed. He loves the drunk, the child abuser, the selfish, those lost in a false religion just as much as you and I.
How dare we not pray for them! How dare we keep God’s love and not share it with them! How dare we remain silent about the greatest gift of all - LIFE over eternal, never ending, tormented death!
O Heavenly Father, I am continually awe struck by the depth of Your wisdom and love; and the understanding of my wretchedness. Precious Savior and Lord, write these words on my heart, my head, my hands, my feet, and my lips. May all my thoughts and actions reflect these written words. That You “take no pleasure in the death of the wicked", but rather "they turn from their way and live.” For I once was lost, but have been found, You saved a wretch like me. Open my eyes to see Your love for the wicked. Open my ears to hear the cry of their heart for You, O God. Open my lips and speak loving words of salvation that draw them to You, my Savior and Lord.
(A brief video interview of Gracie Burnham http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3001437239292144492 )