Thursday, September 4, 2008


Psalm 34:8
Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him.

After twelve hours of walking and touring the streets of Budapest, Hungary, the group collapsed into seats on a nearby bus, then stumbled to a train, and onto another bus before a short walk back to the Panzio (hotel). We were exhausted. We had been on foot and in buses, trolley cars, and boats. What a whirlwind experience. Our bodies were tired and we were thirsty. We all huddled around the hotel desk, jockeying for a position at the cooler and a chance to grab a nice cold drink. With smiles on our faces and less money in our pockets, we stumbled to our rooms, opened our cold water and took a large gulp. Yuk! This water has gas! also known as bubbles. Everyone had grabbed a carbonated water instead of the non carbonated water. It reminded me of Alka Seltzer tablets; a very unpleasant taste and not satisfying at all! Lucky for our room, someone had brought some good water from our previous place of residence. We all shared in the pleasure and refreshment before falling into bed.

I am reminded of how we eagerly look for and seek the “good things” in life, and yet we are not satisfied. We want that new car, but it doesn’t satisfy the inner craving of love within our hearts. We want a new house, but it doesn’t satisfy the inner searching for eternity deep within our hearts. We want a child, but it doesn’t satisfy the loneliness we feel. We want more money, but it doesn’t buy happiness. We want a larger TV, and dish network with 150 channels, but it doesn’t satisfy the deepest cravings of knowledge of who our creator is.

If we could only taste God! We would be satisfied with His love and with the future He holds for each one of us. If we could only taste Him, we would not feel lonely, we would discover true happiness, and we would discover the wisdom and knowledge of God. If only our eyes could see, our ears could hear, and our hearts could love. We would be satisfied. For blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied. He would fill our every need. He longs to give us “good gifts.” He stands at the door to our heart and knocks. Do you hear him? Are you lost in the distractions of this world? Are you hungry for an inner peace? Do you desire a hope and a future? Do you long to know your purpose in life?

Taste Him! He is good. He is the bread of life, anyone who comes to Him will no longer hunger for the things this world offers, but will desire the eternal hope and glory of a future with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Taste Him! He is good. He longs to call you His own. He loves you beyond measure. God is near. He is merely a breath away. Simply believe and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and that God raised him from the dead, and you will be saved for all eternity. For it is with your heart that you believe and are blameless, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. Taste Him! He will satisfy your most intimate desires and needs. You will find peace in turmoil. You will find joy in your sorrows and unhappiness. You will find rest when you are weary. You will find strength when you feel you can’t go on. You will discover that you are not alone, and that you have a bigger family than you ever imagined; others who have tasted, confessed, and believed.

Will you be perfect? Will all your problems magically disappear? No, but you will have someone who will walk with you, share with you, and care for you. He will enable you to persevere, endure, and struggle through them all. You will be satisfied. And you will discover a true, everlasting, Friend, who will never leave you or abandon you, no matter what.

Taste Him! He is good. Taste Him and you will not be satisfied with anything or anyone else. He is good and will bless your life now and forever. Taste and see. He waits - just for you.

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